There’s no better advocate for her brand than the creator of FaceToned®, Carme Farre, who, at 46, looks at least ten years younger than her age belies.
“Exercise is one of the most powerful anti-ageing methods possible for the body, and the same is true for the face,” says Carme. “Your face is the mirror of your soul. Exercising regularly is key, together with using the right beauty products and nutrition.”
FaceToned® Facial Fitness was created by the Pilates teacher when she realised that key Pilates principles could be applied to train and tone the facial muscles, the same way we do our bodies.

She believes that by toning the muscles we can start to reduce fine lines and loose skin on the neck, cheeks, eyes and forehead.
But this isn’t about anti-ageing – it’s about embracing the ageing process and looking your best with no need for intervention, as you advance in years. And the best thing? There’s no invasive procedures involved.
The programme, which is online and available via an app, includes live weekly webinars and special techniques demonstrated by Carme. These show you how to work deep into the core facial muscles followed by the more superficial ones surrounding your face, creating natural definition and a more taut and toned appearance.

We recommend that you do your facial workout in privacy as some techniques are not particularly pretty, and others can make you look as though you’re gurning.
But stick with it, because the rewards are numerous – more tone, improved cheek volume, reduction in laughter lines, improvement and definition in the jaw and jowls, and a significant smoothing in forehead wrinkles. Not only that, after several workouts, skin will also appear glowing, fresh, healthy and relaxed.
“After week four you can start to see the benefits, and after six weeks people will start asking you: ‘What are you doing and why do you look so well?’” says Carme.
So if you’re on board with all of that visit FaceToned® and choose a monthly or yearly membership. Then download the app -FaceToned: Face Fitness Program (available on iPhone and Android).